Friday, June 29, 2012


WOW!! This is my first post in 2012??! hahaha btw, I've done all of those (tralalatrilili) tests!! YAAAYYY!!
of course, now I hv graduated from high school! I'm not high school student anymore.. lalala no more uniform, a mountain of homeworks, wake up really really early. huff but I miss the moments, miss #DEUX and teachers too, so funny when me remembering them ooh I wanna back but I don't want that homewooorkss. 3 years isn't enough.. time flies too faaast
I've done snmptn tulis too, wish me luck for the result on July 7th eh but I just saw that it will be July 3rd. aaaaa pasrah aja deh whatever what I'll see on the monitor haha, yeah this is the best that God will give to me, hmm I've done my best and just praying nooow, bismillah...
and now I'm doing my super looong holiday haha try to really enjoy it before enter to university, yeayayayayy

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Holiday come faster please..

Yap, liburan akan tiba!!! Uh seneng banget -__- akhirnya ada waktu buat refreshing, bernafas sebentar. Tapi.. liburnya cuma sebentar, terus pikiran tentang UAN dan SMPTN masih menggandrungi (5 bulan itu sebentar banget loh mel). haha jadi tetep SEMANGAT!!

hey friends! check my tumblr!! if you interest with this, please follow
LOL and thanks :D

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


hello, eh gue udah selesai semesteran doooong!!! udah dari sabtu kemaren sih ya, tp langsung super duper sibuk *loh, jadi baru blogging sekarang haha. selesai semesteran itu rasanya kayak burung keluar dari sangkarnya -__- intinya seneng banget haha.
hmm jadi hari ini, tadi, kelas gue 12 IPA 2 foto kelas bareng, yap yap hasilnya bagus dan aku suka sekaliiii..

tau kan ya Mela itu yang mana? mudah kok mencarinya (hah apasih). dua foto diatas adalah 2 foto terfavorit gue ;)

see you soon bloggie :D

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Day After Tomorrow

can I skip from next Monday until Saturday? I always say like this although I know it can't
what I have to do is just enjoy it, and time runs so fast, *eh* replace runs with flies
oh I'll face the final exam next Monday, wish me luck!! keep diligent, don't be lazy, study and pray..
haha have I prepare for that? -__-

Saturday(today), Sunday, Monday

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

 Do you know how much I want to visit that place??
Hope someday I'll be there! Amin.

Wait for me, Paris!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Really Really TGIF

Oh my, until now I still can't believe that tomorrow I won't go to school (terlalu berlebihan, but yeah)
I can get more time to rest, playing and bla bla bla
Anyway, I just turned to sixteen yesterday, but I feel like seventeen girl. LOL.

Talk about the future, 5 bulan itu pasti se-ben-tar banget, gak bakal kerasa, uh
apalagi ternyata dua tahun lebih dikit itu sebentar banget. -.-

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


hello :)
sepertinya post ini harusnya di awal bulan, eh tp gak juga -.-
should I tell you why I love this month? I think not -__- I know u know the answer.
ini sih iseng aja, gak ada kerjaan (padahal banyak aslinya)
just want to tell you all that I love November :D

not too important .__.